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Jan Sørup

My name is Jan Sørup. I’m the founder of FilmDaft and editor-in-chief.

I own Apertura, a Danish company that produces video content for companies in Denmark and Scandinavia.

I always strive to publish high-quality content that is helpful and interesting to read for indie filmmakers, small video production companies, vloggers, screenwriters, and others engaged in video content production.

Being a movie buff, I also like to write about niche movies and movie quotes that I think are examples of excellent screenwriting, acting, cinematography, and the overall filmmaking trade.

In other words, I try to publish content I want to read myself.

All Recent Posts:

What are Character Archetypes in film - Definition - meaning - examples - featured image

Character Archetypes in Film. What They Are and How to Use Them

Character archetypes are typical versions of characters that pop up often in stories, like the Hero, the Mentor, or the Villain. They’re useful because they provide a shortcut to understanding who the character is, helping the audience quickly grasp their role in the story. For screenwriters and directors, using archetypes can help create conflict, shape…

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What are Genre conventions - Definition - meaning - examples from film - featured image

What are Genre Conventions? Definition and Examples from Cinema.

Definition: Genre conventions are the elements or criteria that define a specific genre within film. These conventions help audiences set expectations about what they will see and guide filmmakers in creating content that aligns with audience expectations. The conventions can include themes, settings, character types, and specific plots or narrative devices. Each genre has its…

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What is Genre - Definition - meaning - examples from film - featured image

What is Genre? Definition and Examples from Film.

Definition: Genre functions as a categorization system that helps creators and audiences understand the nature of a film. Film scholar Stephen Neale states that genres are systems of orientations, expectations, and conventions that circulate between industry, text, and subject. This means that genre guides filmmakers in creating movies but also aids audiences in setting expectations…

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Movie Genres List Overview - featured image

Movie Genres List. Overview of Main Genres, Subgenres, and Film.

Identifying a film’s genre can help you target the right audiences and tailor marketing strategies effectively. Genres shape viewer expectations about the film’s tone, pace, and style. Understanding genres is also great for film students and enthusiasts who analyze filmmaking techniques, themes, and historical relevance. It also serves as a practical organizational tool. Below, you…

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What is a subgenre - Definition - meaning - examples from film - featured image

What is a Subgenre? Meaning & Examples from Cinema.

Definition: A subgenre is a specific category within a broader genre that adopts its primary characteristics while introducing unique elements that distinguish it. For example, in cinema, the “slasher” film is a subgenre of horror, characterized by specific conventions like a killer stalking and murdering a sequence of victims. These distinctions help audiences set expectations…

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Essential Film Noir Movies - featured image

Essential Film Noir Movies For Film Students to Study and Why.

This article explores various iconic film noir films considered canon, examining how their innovative use of narrative, style, and characterization helped lay down the foundational elements of film noir and continually influence its evolution. Each of these films contributed uniquely to the film noir genre and pushed the boundaries of what cinema was capable of…

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