Tips on How To Write Your First Movie Script: All You Need To Know

A screenplay is arguably the most important tool in filmmaking. There is no movie or television show without a script or screenplay. A screenplay serves as the blueprint for the entire project. It shows the director the story, the actors, what lines to say or actions to take, the art department, and the world where… Continue reading Tips on How To Write Your First Movie Script: All You Need To Know

How Long Does It Take To Write A Movie Script? With Examples.

On average, professional screenwriters can write a draft of a feature-length script (75-110 pages) in a period of two to three months or a period of 60 to 90 days. However, successful movie scripts have been written in a few days. Rewrites are usually finished in 30 days or less. You can write the first… Continue reading How Long Does It Take To Write A Movie Script? With Examples.

What Is The Difference Between A Script And A Screenplay?

When first starting out as a filmmaker or videographer, the terms script and screenplay might have confused you. Both are used almost interchangeably, so does that mean they are the same thing? If not, what is the difference between a script and a screenplay? A “script” is the written document version of a visual art… Continue reading What Is The Difference Between A Script And A Screenplay?

How To Write Creative Pitch Decks For Pitching Your Film (Free Template)

Chances are, if you’re a filmmaker, you have plenty of ideas you want to be made into a movie. However, getting funding behind your projects and collaborators attached can be extremely difficult. Even if you’re looking to sell an idea, it can be difficult to illustrate to others the concept you believe in. This is… Continue reading How To Write Creative Pitch Decks For Pitching Your Film (Free Template)

How To Write A Logline For A Movie, Short Film Or TV Series (With Examples)

You are an aspiring screenwriter looking to sell your screenplays. To seal the deal, you need a solid pitch. Whether you pitch in person or on the page, the most important element is the logline. So how do you write one? To write a logline, think of it as a formula consisting of four elements… Continue reading How To Write A Logline For A Movie, Short Film Or TV Series (With Examples)

What is a Film Treatment? And How to Write One!

Definition: A film treatment is a document that outlines your film’s story before the script is written. It is usually written in present-tense prose and includes the film title, a logline, a story summary, character descriptions, and some dialogue and action. As such, treatments are a form of prewriting before you start writing the actual… Continue reading What is a Film Treatment? And How to Write One!

Where to Find and Read Hollywood Screenplays For Free

Any aspiring writer knows it’s not enough to watch as many movies as possible – you must read as many screenplays as possible. But where do you find Hollywood-level screenplays online for free? Don’t worry, I’m here to help. 1. Go Into the Story. The writer Scott Myers and his blog series on Medium called… Continue reading Where to Find and Read Hollywood Screenplays For Free

Review: Arc Studio Screenwriting Software Test

Arc Studio Pro is a professional screenwriting software designed to take your next screenplay beyond simple text formatting and industry expectations to keep you more focused, ready to collaborate, and equipped to create beautiful stories. You can watch a quick introductory video of the software below: In an industry with a million ways to tell… Continue reading Review: Arc Studio Screenwriting Software Test

Good Screenwriting Tips and How To Implement Them

The video above, courtesy of Variety, presents eight excellent screenwriting advice from professional screenwriters. In this article, I discuss each of these quotes and give you tips and helpful exercises on how you can implement them in your work. Tip #1: Let the joy of the writing process be the reward. “Never think you’ve written… Continue reading Good Screenwriting Tips and How To Implement Them

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write a Script For a Short Film

Writing a screenplay for a short film involves condensing the traditional structure of a screenplay into a shorter format, usually ranging from 5 to 30 minutes in length. The process includes several steps: 1. Conceptualize Your Story: Brainstorm ideas for your story. What message or emotion do you want to convey? Decide on the genre… Continue reading Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write a Script For a Short Film