Illumination: Lux, Lumens & Foot-Candle Converter

Illumination refers to the amount of light falling on a surface. Measuring illumination is key in cinematography to ensure adequate lighting conditions. Here’s a converter that lets you easily convert foot-candles to lumens or lux and vice-versa: Key Terms and Units Lumens (lm) quantify the total amount of visible light emitted by a source. Unlike… Continue reading Illumination: Lux, Lumens & Foot-Candle Converter

What is a Foot Candle? Definition and Measurement

A foot-candle (FC) is a unit of measure for illuminance or light intensity. It quantifies how much light is cast on a surface one foot away from a uniform light source. Specifically, one foot-candle is equivalent to one lumen per square foot. FC helps determine how much light is needed for different settings and applications.… Continue reading What is a Foot Candle? Definition and Measurement

What Is High Key Lighting, And How Do You Create It? Hi-Key Lighting Explained.

One of the most important things to consider in filmmaking is how you will light your scene. Different lighting styles can dramatically change the tone of a project, and understanding how to control light properly is integral to conveying the right emotion. In many instances, the best lighting style will be high-key lighting. But what… Continue reading What Is High Key Lighting, And How Do You Create It? Hi-Key Lighting Explained.

Watts, Lumens, and Lux. What do they all mean?

In a nutshell, watts measure power, i.e., how powerful a video light is. Lumens are a measurement of light intensity. Lux is the light distribution over distance, meaning it’s an illumination measurement. Lighting is essential to film and video production, so you must familiarize yourself with watts, lumens, and lux. In this article, I’ll do… Continue reading Watts, Lumens, and Lux. What do they all mean?

What is Color Temperature in Film?

Alright. Color temperature. I can already hear your question: What do these two unrelated words have in common, and why are they important? Color temperature measures the hue of the light sources influencing your shot. Color temperature is measured in degrees Kelvin. The lower the Kelvin setting in the camera, the bluer (or colder) your… Continue reading What is Color Temperature in Film?

How Many Watts Do I Need for Video Lighting?

For a basic three-point lighting setup, you must choose the wattage for your key, fill, and backlight (if you have one). Key lights are your strongest and should generally be around 500-2000 watts. The fill light used to fill in the shadows of your subject should be less powerful, 250-500 watts. Finally, your backlight used… Continue reading How Many Watts Do I Need for Video Lighting?

What is Low-Key Lighting? And How to Use It?

High-contrast lighting is responsible for some of the most memorable imagery in film. Deep blacks’ crisp, delineative quality contrasted with the lit portions appeal to our love of strong scenery and our innate sense of visual beauty. So, how does one achieve this look in films or photographs? With a process known as low-key lighting.… Continue reading What is Low-Key Lighting? And How to Use It?