What is Chekhov’s Gun? Definition, Examples & How to Use It

Definition: Chekhov’s Gun is a dramatic principle that asserts that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. Named after the Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, the principle is commonly phrased as, “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one… Continue reading What is Chekhov’s Gun? Definition, Examples & How to Use It

What is Intertextuality? Definition, Examples & How to Use it

Intertextuality is treating, reading, and interpreting a text in relation to other texts toextract meaning. Philosopher and literary critic Julia Kristeva coined the term in the 1960s and argued that texts are not isolated creations but are shaped by a network of other texts. This concept suggests that understanding a text requires recognizing its connections… Continue reading What is Intertextuality? Definition, Examples & How to Use it

Movie Clichés You Need To Know (To Avoid or Use Strategically)

A movie cliché is an overused trope that has lost its impact. For example, the old horror trope of a limping killer that slowly chases the last girl in a horror movie who sprints for her life, but is somehow still able to close the distance. What was once scary, now feels overdone. Here is… Continue reading Movie Clichés You Need To Know (To Avoid or Use Strategically)

What is a Cliché? Meaning and Examples from Film

Definition: A cliché is a phrase, idea, or element of an artistic work overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect. This often results in a lack of originality and predictability. The term ‘cliché’ comes from French and initially referred to a stereotype printing plate. Over time, it evolved to signify any… Continue reading What is a Cliché? Meaning and Examples from Film

What is the Actantial Model? Definition and Examples from Film.

Greimas’ actantial model (aka the actantial narrative schema) is a handy tool for analyzing narratives. Developed by Algirdas Julien Greimas, this framework helps you understand different roles and functions in a story. It can also be used to analyze movies and help with scriptwriting. In this article, I’ll show you how. The Actantial Model explained The… Continue reading What is the Actantial Model? Definition and Examples from Film.

Third-person Omniscient Point of View. Meaning & Examples in Film

Definition: The third-person omniscient point of view is like having a god-like narrator with a full understanding of the story. This narrator knows everything about everyone—their thoughts, feelings, and secrets—and can share any character’s perspective with the audience. In cinema, the third-person omniscient viewpoint can sometimes manifest through a narrative voice-over or sequences that cut… Continue reading Third-person Omniscient Point of View. Meaning & Examples in Film

What is a Story Beat? Meaning & Examples From Screenplays

A story beat is a fundamental storytelling unit, marking an event, decision, or discovery that propels the narrative forward. It’s akin to a heartbeat in a story’s structure, rhythmically punctuating the flow to maintain engagement. Beats shape the story’s pace, building tension, emotion, and character development, ensuring a dynamic and compelling narrative. Story beats are… Continue reading What is a Story Beat? Meaning & Examples From Screenplays

Red Herring: Meaning & Examples from Film & Literature

A ‘Red Herring’ is a misleading clue or information that diverts attention from the truth or the main issue. It may be a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or characters to a false conclusion. Red herrings are often used in literature, movies, and discussions to mislead the audience or participants, creating… Continue reading Red Herring: Meaning & Examples from Film & Literature

What is a Prologue in Film? Definition and Examples.

Definition: A prologue is an introductory segment that appears at the beginning of a movie or a television show. It provides background information, sets the tone or mood, establishes the time or place, or introduces important characters or events. The prologue often sets the stage for the main story that follows. But be careful with… Continue reading What is a Prologue in Film? Definition and Examples.

Narrative in Film. Meaning, Definition & Examples.

A movie narrative is how a story is constructed and presented to the audience. It encompasses the sequence of events, characters, and storytelling techniques in filmmaking. Several different narrative structures are commonly found in the film, each with unique characteristics. Related Reading: The Hollywood Story Arc Explained. Linear Narrative This is the most straightforward narrative… Continue reading Narrative in Film. Meaning, Definition & Examples.