What Is High Key Lighting? Definition, Examples & How To Create It.

High-key lighting is often used in film and photography to create a bright, even illumination with minimal shadows. It typically relies on multiple light sources, including a strong key light, fill lights, and sometimes backlighting to reduce contrasts between light and dark areas. The image appears soft, balanced, and free from dramatic shadows or high… Continue reading What Is High Key Lighting? Definition, Examples & How To Create It.

What is Color Temperature in Film?

Alright. Color temperature. I can already hear your question: What do these two unrelated words have in common, and why are they important? Color temperature measures the hue of the light sources influencing your shot. Color temperature is measured in degrees Kelvin. The lower the Kelvin setting in the camera, the bluer (or colder) your… Continue reading What is Color Temperature in Film?

Lighting In Film 102: Types of Lamps, Lights & Modifications

In the previous article, we looked at different lighting types, such as natural and artificial. Now it’s time to move on to light bulbs and accessories that help to manipulate the light. As you probably know, different bulbs produce light, such as incandescent, halogen, tungsten, etc. Each has its properties and is suitable for particular… Continue reading Lighting In Film 102: Types of Lamps, Lights & Modifications

Lighting In Film 101. Part 1: Different Types of Light

Cinematographers use a combination of lights, colors, and shadows to “paint the scene” and draw attention to the most essential aspects. Choosing the right light type when filming dramatically impacts its quality, mood, and overall aesthetic. When you want to shape your scene, you have numerous lighting types, such as natural, hard, soft, mixed, etc.,… Continue reading Lighting In Film 101. Part 1: Different Types of Light