How To Use the Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere Pro (Illustrated Guide)

Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere Pro featured image

Published: July 13, 2021 | Last Updated: September 17, 2024

The Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere Pro is a great tool for customizing text, shapes, and other graphics. This is also where all your MOGRT files, or Motion Graphic Templates, will live inside Premiere. 

This guide explains all the functionality inside the Essential Graphics Panel.

How to find the Essential Graphics Panel

There are a couple of methods for finding the Essential Graphics Panel. Although the screenshots here are taken on a Mac, it looks the same on a PC.

The first method is to go to WINDOW > WORKSPACE > GRAPHICS. Premiere has a custom workspace for the Essential Graphics Panel. 

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The second method is to find the “Graphics” tab at the top-center space of the Premiere window. Clicking on this will bring up the same workspace as the previous method. 

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The last method is to add the Essential Graphics Panel to your favorite workspace. To do this, click on WINDOW > ESSENTIAL GRAPHICS.

This will add the tab to your main screen. You can then move the window by clicking and dragging the tab anywhere. For example, I house the Essential Graphics Panel in the Source window. 

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I will be using Premiere’s Graphics workspace for this article. 

Essential Graphics Panel Layout – Browse Tab

The layout of the Essential Graphics Panel is fairly straightforward. 

Two tabs at the top labeled “Browse” and “Edit.” 

The Browse tab is open by default. This is where you will find any MOGRT files installed on Premiere.

The MOGRT files will appear as icons with their titles beneath. These files can be dragged and dropped directly onto the timeline. 

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You can also search directly for MOGRT files inside the search bar. This is useful since all of the installed MOGRT files on Premiere will appear in one big list.

You can also “star” your favorite templates, making the search much easier. 

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Below the search bar are two checkboxes labeled “Local Templates Folder” and “Libraries.”

Premiere has a folder where all the pre-installed MOGRT files are located.

You can also create your folders inside Premiere, known as Libraries. This is a great way to organize your MOGRT files into different folders. 

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The Essential Graphics Panel has an icon in the bottom left corner (circled in red in the photo below) where you can import MOGRT files.

You can learn more about how to import and install MOGRT files in this article.

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Essential Graphics Panel Layout – Edit Tab

The Edit tab on the Essential Graphics Panel is where you will customize all graphics. 

The panel will initially appear blank because no graphics are selected. However, there is an icon we can click to create a new graphic. It is circled in red in the photo below.

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You have five options for graphics from this menu:

  • Text – creates a standard horizontal text line
  • Vertical text – creates a vertical text line
  • Rectangle – creates a shape with four pointed corners
  • Ellipse – creates a circular shape
  • From file – you can import a graphic into Premiere

For example, I will click the “text” option to create a normal line of text, which will create a new text graphic on the timeline.

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Also, see easy ways to create end credits.

The Edit tab now contains editable options for the text layer, which are divided into tabs depending on their functionality. 

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Here’s a brief description of each tab you can edit for text. 

  • Responsive Design feature allows you to attach the text to a shape layer and have the shape change scaling based on the length of the text line.
  • Align and Transform has several buttons for aligning the text or shape layers to different positions on the screen. You can manually change the position, scaling, rotation, and opacity. 
  • Styles will bring up different styles of the text or shape layer. These are usually pre-made and saved within Premiere. 
  • Text will allow you to change the different text properties, such as font, font style, size, etc. 
  • Appearance will change the font color, stroke outline color, background color, and shadow. Using the “Mask with Text” checkbox, you can also have the text mask around a shape layer. 

Almost all of the same options will appear for a shape layer.

The Styles and Text tabs are the only two that do not appear when a shape layer is created. This is because the shape does not contain text. 

You can have multiple text layers and shapes within one graphic. For instance, for this demonstration, I created a text and shape layer on the same graphic. This is a handy feature when you’re creating graphics with multiple layers. It helps keep the graphics clean without multiple layers appearing on your timeline. 

You can also put the text or shape layers inside a folder. This allows you to add effects to a specific group of layers:

  • Applying an effect to the graphics panel will add the effect to every layer below the effect.
  • Adding effects to the layers inside the folder will only apply the effects to those layers.


The Essential Graphics Panel is a great tool for creating and editing graphics inside Premiere.

It’s a great idea to create text graphics so you can play around with the information from this article.

Up Next: How to create MORGT templates using Adobe After Effects

By Alex Srednoselac

Alex is a certified Adobe Premiere Pro video editor and independent filmmaker in the US. He is most known for writing, directing, and editing his debut feature film, Cashing Out, which has won multiple awards at film festivals across the US. Currently, Alex is the owner of AWS FILMS and works as a freelance video editor for several large companies and content creators.

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