This illustrated guide explains how to fade audio in and out in Premiere Pro using keyframes, or transition presets and explains J-cuts and L-cuts. Method 1: Keyframes Keyframes require a little more effort when creating a fade or crossfade between clips, but it’s a great way to understand how this effect works. A fade is… Continue reading How To Fade In/Out Audio In Premiere Pro (J-Cut & L-Cut).
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How To Use the Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere Pro (Illustrated Guide)
The Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere Pro is a great tool for customizing text, shapes, and other graphics. This is also where all your MOGRT files, or Motion Graphic Templates, will live inside Premiere. This guide explains all the functionality inside the Essential Graphics Panel. How to find the Essential Graphics Panel There are a… Continue reading How To Use the Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere Pro (Illustrated Guide)
Your Guide to Finding MOGRT Templates for Your Projects
One of the unique features of Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects is the ability to create and use Motion Graphic Templates, also known as MOGRT files. You can download a MOGRT file from a website and install it directly on Adobe Premiere Pro, or you can create it yourself. 1. Motion Array (Free &… Continue reading Your Guide to Finding MOGRT Templates for Your Projects
How to Create A MOGRT Template in AE (Illustrated Guide)
MOGRT files are pre-made MOtion GRaphic Templates that can drastically speed up your workflow. They can be reused and easily tweaked from project to project. They are an easy way to add motion graphics to your video projects without the hassle of creating keyframes every time you need a new graphic with motion. MOGRT files… Continue reading How to Create A MOGRT Template in AE (Illustrated Guide)
How To Create A MOGRT File In Premiere Pro (Illustrated Guide)
MOGRT files are pre-made motion graphic templates. They are an easy way to add motion graphics to your video projects without the hassle of creating keyframes whenever you need to create a new graphic. While Adobe Premiere includes some MOGRT, you’ll often find that you need something entirely different. In that case, you can find… Continue reading How To Create A MOGRT File In Premiere Pro (Illustrated Guide)
How to make a lightsaber and X-wing scene in After Effects
Some of the names on this page are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm (Disney), of which I’m in no way affiliated. They are used here under Fair Use for educational purposes. You can’t claim to be a filmmaker if you haven’t tried to make a scene with a lightsaber at some point! The lightsaber has become… Continue reading How to make a lightsaber and X-wing scene in After Effects