Free Cinematic LUTs For Color Grading

color grading free luts
Free LUTs color grading

Published: December 5, 2019 | Last Updated: May 29, 2024

I love LUTs. They’re a great way to quickly get a cinematic result with only a bit of tweaking.

They’re also a quick way to try out some creative looks and ideas for color grading, which I wouldn’t have come up with myself.

If you’re unfamiliar with LUTs, color grading, and color correction, I recommend you read our Guide: Look, LOG, LUT, White Balance, Picture Profile & RAW first.

There are tons of LUT packs around the internet, some of which you have to buy.

But there are also some free LUT packs, you can download and use for free in your videos. Some are great, some are… well, not so great.

So I decided to compile a list of only the best free LUT packs out there.

All the LUTs can easily be applied in Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut, and more. Here we go (listed in alphabetical order)…

1. Color Grading Central Free LUTs (Including the famous Orange And Teal M31 LUT)

Color Grading Central specializes in color grading and selling LUTs. But they also have a great free pack of LUTs for download, which includes the most famous LUTs of all, the M31.

The M31 LUT instantly gives you that popular orange and teal look, which has been used in so many Hollywood movies, not to mention YouTube videos.

Although the M31 (originally from Osiris) has been overused, it is still a popular look and a good tool for your toolkit.

But you get a lot of other nice LUTs including Film Looks, and Log to Rec709 conversion LUTs.

2. Bounce Color Free LUTs specializes in creating LUTs for all types of cameras, together with special lens flares you can use to spice up your footage. They have professional LUTs packages you can purchase. But they also offer some free sample LUTs you can download and use in your projects, including free LOG-to-Rec.709 conversion LUTs.

3. Ground Control Color Free LUTs

If you’re an owner of a Panasonic Camera like the GH5 or GH5S, a Blackmagic design camera like the BMPCC4K, a Canon shooting Cinestyle, a Sony camera shooting S-Log 2 or S-Log 3, maybe a GoPro action camera or DJI drone, you should check out these free conversion LUTs from Ground Control.

You get a lot of Log – Rec709 conversion LUTs, but also a couple of LUTs for other picture profiles and a couple of looks.

4. IWLTBAP 10+ Free Luts

I actually bought the full package of Luts from these guys, which I like, by the way, but I still have no idea what their name means. Nor how to pronounce it.

Anyway, IWLTBAP also offers a package with 10+ free LUTs, which was what got me hooked in the first place.

I especially like their LOG to Rec709 conversion LUTs, which I use for converting V-Log footage from my GH5.

5. 7 Free LUTs has a great pack of 7 free LUTs with a very modern or popular look to them.

First of all, you get another teal and orange LUT, which is a bit different from the M31.

What I really like in this LUT pack is the Hiddenite dark and cold LUT and the Hackmanite cross-process inspired LUTs.

Cross-process looks are a bit special, but I really like them, and also use them constantly for photography.

6. Orange83 LUTs pack with 7 free LUTs

Here are 7 free LUTs from Orange83. I think there are one or two nice LUTs in between.

My personal favorites are #1 and #7, but you can quickly see all the LUTs in the video on the website before you decide whether to download it or not.

7. PremiumBeat 20 Free Color Grading Presets for After Effects

Premium Beat (by Shutterstock) has a selection they call PremiumGrades, which consists of 20 nice color grading presets for use in After Effects.

They have a pretty punchy or saturated look to them, that I think needs to be dialed back a bit. But you might want just to leave it as is if the saturated look is what you’re aiming for.

8. Rocketstock 35 Free LUTS

Rocketstock (by Shutterstock) has a great selection of 35 free cinematic LUTs.

My personal favorites are the vintage LUTs, but you get standard LUTs for sRGB and Rec709 footage as well.

9. SmallHD 7 Free LUTs

SmallHD – the company most known for its excellent on-camera monitors – has a pack of 7 nice LUTs.

There are some cool imitations of popular Hollywood movie looks in the pack, so definitely go check it out.

Did I forget any?

These are – in my humble opinion – some of the best free LUTs out there.

But the web is a big virtual place, so you might know of some good LUTs, which you think, should have been included on the list. If so, please let me know in the comments, and I’ll make sure to add them to the list.

By Jan Sørup

Jan Sørup is a indie filmmaker, videographer and photographer from Denmark. He owns and the Danish company Apertura, which produces video content for big companies in Denmark and Scandinavia. Jan has a background in music, has drawn webcomics, and is a former lecturer at the University of Copenhagen.

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