The film set walkie-talkie lingo is not just for fun or to make you feel like you’re the protagonist in an action movie. The codes used by the crew are essential for efficient communication and safety on set. The jargon also ensures you can quickly exchange information with other crew members, minimizing misunderstandings and delays.… Continue reading Film Set Walkie-Talkie Lingo You Need to Know
film set
Above-the-line Film Crew Set Roles. Meaning & Examples.
In film production, “above-the-line” refers to the individuals who guide, influence, and define a film’s creative direction, process, and voice. Above-the-line roles are typically fixed before the film’s production begins, and their compensation is usually negotiated before the commencement of the rest of the film’s crew or the “below-the-line” personnel. In this article, you can… Continue reading Above-the-line Film Crew Set Roles. Meaning & Examples.
What Is A Key Grip, And What Do They Do?
A key grip is in charge of the entire grip department and works as the supervisor on lighting and rigging, working closely with the cinematographer (a.k.a. the Director of Photography) and the gaffer. Key Takeaways Grip work is found in commercials, indie films, and big-budget features. So strap on your tool belt, and let’s examine… Continue reading What Is A Key Grip, And What Do They Do?