Wedding Videography Tips and Advice for Beginners

Wedding videography is a very lucrative way to begin your videography career. Most of your work will be on the weekends, but that can offer benefits.  This article will explore how to begin your career as a wedding videographer, best practices, tips on what to capture, equipment needed, and what you can reasonably expect to… Continue reading Wedding Videography Tips and Advice for Beginners

Tips on How To Name Your Film or Video Production Company

There are over 57,000 production companies around the world. So, how in the hell are you supposed to devise a name for yours? To help you out with ideas, here are 12 ways to name your production company. 1. Use a Variation of Your Name Naming your production company after you will let clients know you… Continue reading Tips on How To Name Your Film or Video Production Company

Tips to Improve Audio Quality For DSLR/Mirrorless Cameras

No matter how good your video footage is, it’s only half the picture. You also need good audio. Capturing good audio is a cheap and effective way to improve your work dramatically. So, let’s look at the different types of microphones, the situations you will use them in, and some suggestions for gear to get… Continue reading Tips to Improve Audio Quality For DSLR/Mirrorless Cameras

40 Video Company Owners Answer: “What I Wish I’d Known Before Starting My Video Production Business”

Establishing a successful video production business is no walk in the park. Getting new clients can be hard, and nurturing the relationship with the former clients is important. And then there are all the questions about purchasing or renting gear, bookkeeping, scaling your business and more. Much more. So I decided to reach out to… Continue reading 40 Video Company Owners Answer: “What I Wish I’d Known Before Starting My Video Production Business”

Real-Estate Videography. Tips & Advice for Beginners

Key Takeaways So, you are interested in producing real estate videos?! You are either most likely in one of two boats: First, you have a camera and are exploring how to make more money “as a business owner first.” Or, you have your eyes set on a new camera with amazing capabilities but an eye-watering… Continue reading Real-Estate Videography. Tips & Advice for Beginners

A Beginner’s Guide To Underwater Video

I have been taking images since the beginning of consumer digital imaging, however, it is only in the last 9 years that I have been regularly shooting underwater video. The reason I waited so long is that as a trained scuba diving instructor, I found underwater photographers somewhat irritating when I was leading dives and… Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide To Underwater Video

Beginner’s Guide to Slow Motion Video. Tips and Tricks.

Slow-motion is a filmmaking technique in which the action in the frame is made to appear slower than it was recorded, usually by capturing film or video at a much faster speed than it will eventually be played. This might sound counterintuitive, but all slow motion is created by high-speed video. When I say high… Continue reading Beginner’s Guide to Slow Motion Video. Tips and Tricks.

Panasonic GH5 vs GH5S Comparison. Which One Should You Choose?

I’ve been shooting with both the Panasonic GH5 and the GH5s since they came out. Having used both cameras extensively for professional work for a long time, I thought it was time to write a comparison review based on real-world use. As with all my reviews, I take the practical route, which means I won’t… Continue reading Panasonic GH5 vs GH5S Comparison. Which One Should You Choose?

10 Great Video Production Business Ideas – Pick Your Niche!

So you’ve been shooting videos for a couple of years and now want to narrow down your niche when it comes to clients and your career? Great! It is always a good idea to pick a niche whether you’re looking for clients or ideas. Take a look at our list and decide what type of… Continue reading 10 Great Video Production Business Ideas – Pick Your Niche!

5 Best Variable ND Filters for Video (2024)

The featured image is of the SLR Magic Variable ND Filter Mark II Choosing the right variable ND filter (VND) is crucial for videographers aiming to achieve perfect exposure and cinematic look for their footage. With many options available, I’ve compiled a list of the best variable ND filters that promise to elevate your video… Continue reading 5 Best Variable ND Filters for Video (2024)